As you might notice. I am writing this post in english, and that also applies future posts. It's not my natural language, so the linguistic quality, if any, will not be as high as before, but the posts will be more accessible and could reach a wider audience (I hope there could be one!).
Now to today's topic. I have read Quality First Investing: A checklist approach to finding and sitting tight in multibaggers by Björn Fahlén.
In short
It has been a very pleasant read and a thought-provoking reading experience. My review can in no way do the book justice. My simple message is therefore: Buy the book, read it, and you will most certainly develop as an investor. It is a great resource for making and evolving your own checklist and finding your strategy as well as your strengths and weaknesses. For me, it is a must-read.
I put this book in the same category as One Up on Wall Street and Why Moat Matters, the books I have re-read most times. They all have the qualities of a timeless subject, a large scope and practical approach. The purpose is in some way to be used as a tool, checklist and encyclopedia, and I must say that it works very well. They all succeed in being comprehensive but concise and fall into the "easy to read but hard to digest" category (in a positive way). The books all make you think deeper than before.
A more detailed look
The approach is long-term investing in quality companies (as you would have guessed). It is divided in the following chapters, where the first three are of paramount importance:
- People tenets
- Business tenets
- Financial tenets
- Bringing it all together
- Appendix
How will I use the book?
As a background you are very welcome to read my own short investing checklist (use translate). My checklist is still something I will follow but it will certainly develop over time and the book has given valuable insights that will take time to digest. This is what I will work further on and some that I will start doing immediately:
- When evaluating companies, I will always have people, business and financials in mind.
- I will read the book regularly to add knowledge and remind myself of all perspectives. That's especially useful when it comes to my weaker spots.
- In my case, people tenets is something that I must evolve. I might have looked too much on "static" numbers like free float, family owned yes/no etc. and too little on the actual owners, motives, long term goals and signs of true passion. I have to question more and dig a bit deeper.
- I will try to climb up some steps on the quality ladder when choosing companies. I might have a tendency to sometimes buying very cheap companies, still of decent quality, but definetly value first, high quality second (referring to the title of the book)
- Certainly I will look more at business scalability to be able to catch more multibaggers. I will try to shift my perspective from not only 3-5 years, but to 10+ years, even if that's a hard thing to do.
- I will think more about the rate of change in the industry and product cycles in a "moat" context. I do like timeless products (referring to this blog post), but will link that perspective more to the moat.
- I will use the book for adding new red flags and reasons not to invest in certain companies.
And some highly subjective "additions" and discussion points
Investing is a personal subject. When reading the book, I couldn't help to think of some things which I emphasize, but that are not covered as much in the book. I can, perhaps, take the time to add what I also look at in more detail. This is no flaw in the book, just some discussion points, personal flavor, and (highly) subjective additions that I use, and will continue to use, in my investing process.
- Country risk/democracy? I look a lot at country risk, both in revenue and from a listing perspective. As a global investor, seeing other investors sometimes going to risky geographies or taking unwanted or unknown risks, I know this is always important. It may fall under "regulatory risk" and overall risks mentioned in the book but you can argue that it goes even deeper. Also, you could argue that a country level could be included in the ESG-discussions, even if that's not standard practice. Some, again subjective, thoughts can be found in the blogposts, Ok countries to invest in and ESG on a country level and thoughts on China (use translate). And it is not only about risk. In fact, it is very interesting that democracies tend to have better stock market returns, as recent studies suggests.
- Demography as a megatrend? The question is if demography in one way is the most important megatrend, being more certain and simpler than some of the others. I have put a lot of weight on this one (being a fan of Hans Rosling). Demography serves as a positive background for my investments in ASEAN companies. These markets are also a bit underrated for other reasons. I cover these subjects in Right view on the world when you invest? (use translate).
- Local moats or global? The question is always whether a company should or shouldn't expand abroad. I own some local Indonesian/Philippine consumer stocks. And yes, the risk is higher being in just one market, but it also makes sense staying in your country (where you are superstrong). At least if that growth is enough (I hope that is the case of my Southeast Asian stocks). In some sense, all competitive advantages are local, and it is, at least for some type of businesses, not an easy discussion if global, or "just" local competitive advantages, is something to strive for.
Trevlig läsning! Hade inte ens hört talas om boken. Kanske blir ett köp. /Phantas
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SvaraRaderaSeg Gasell
RaderaThank you for your kind words - if there is anything you would like to discuss about the book or investing in general - just send me an email at
SvaraRaderaThanks! And thanks again for a very good book.
RaderaOdlične informacije za sve ove godine, ove godine nitko nije zaostavljen. Ako bi vas moglo zanimati da se zovem Slavica Kovačević, živim u Zagrebu, Hrvatska i iskusila sam i dobre i loše zajmodavce, pa ako ste u istim financijskim problemima, savjetujem vam da se obratite ovom Bogu poslanom čovjeku koji će vam pomoći da lako dobijete kredit i također će vam dati neke financijske savjete o tome kako postati financijski stabilan. Znam da postoji mnogo različitih svjedočanstava, a ja sam se također zadovoljio nekim sranjima, ako imate obitelj i želite da oni cijene vaš trud kako biste mogli dobiti lijepu proslavu, ovo je prava prilika za vas. AKO I VI TREBATE FINANCIJSKI SAVJET I POMOĆ, OVO JE PRAVI VRIJEME DA MU SE OBRATITE ZA POMOĆ. MOŽETE NAUČITI KAKO INVESTIRATI ONLINE I ZAHTJEVITI ZA KREDIT UZ KAMATNU STOPU OD 3%. KONTAKTIRAJTE IH PUTEM TVRTKE WHATSAPP: +385915608706 Email:
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